Hi John
Yes...you're right...I was using an (if (or (stop test 1) (stop test 2))
(do nothing) (do all the stuff)
but your "unless" is much more direct.
Hi Alex
Yes I like that a lot!
Thank you both for your further help.
Best Regards

On 19 January 2017 at 17:02, Alexander Burger <a...@software-lab.de> wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 05:50:00PM +0100, Alexander Burger wrote:
> > Note that (setq Do_it NIL) is (off Do_it), and you could also use an
> 'or' for
> > the two equal consequences. Then the above becomes:
> >
> >    (setq
> >       Pg_bks 7
> >       Lns_from_top 6
> >       Do_it T )
> >    (case 2
> >       (1 (prinl "in 1"))
> >       (2
> >          (cond
> >             ((or (> 2 Pg_blks) (> 6 Lns_from_top))
> >                (off Do_it) )
> >             (Do_it
> >                (prinl "yes doing a")
> >                (prinl "yes doing b")
> >                (prinl "yes doing c") ) ) ) )
> Normally, of course, you will use 'let' instead of 'setq':
>    (let (Pg_bks 7  Lns_from_top 6  Do_it T)
>       (case 2
>          (1 (prinl "in 1"))
>          (2
>             (cond
>                ((or (> 2 Pg_blks) (> 6 Lns_from_top))
>                   (off Do_it) )
>                (Do_it
>                   (prinl "yes doing a")
>                   (prinl "yes doing b")
>                   (prinl "yes doing c") ) ) ) ) )
> ♪♫ Alex
> --
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