I understand your problem now.

You have think about cells in this case.

When you inc a 'symbol the value part of the symbol-cell is changed.
[prop|val] represents a symbol in this case.
(inc '[NIL|5]) is [NIL|6]
The Symbol was changed destructivly. All earlier refernces to this cell now
evaluate to 6. That is because a cell evaluates to its value.

If you push 88 on to a list. You do not get back the original list changed
but a new list which has a a cell with 88 in the beginning and pointer to
the old list in the cdr.
[1|pointer to 2nd cell] [2| pointer to 2nd cell ] [3|Nil] [Nil|Nil]
You save this list in to a symbol which now has the pointer to the first
element in it value slot.

If you push 88 on to this list it looks like this:
[1|pointer to 2nd cell] [2| pointer to 2nd cell ] [3|Nil] [88|pointer to
first cell]
However your symbol L does not notice this change because it is still
pointing to the first cell.
To make it point to the head of the new list you need to setq the value of
L to the new head of the list.

Does that explanation make sense?

You can either destructivly change the car of a cell in the list or write
your own pop which keeps the same cell at the head of the list (by
reassigning car parts appropiatly).
Am 11.02.2017 11:29 schrieb "dean" <deangwillia...@gmail.com>:

> Hi Joh-tob & Joe
> With setq L.....(0 0 0) gets changed to (2 0 0) i.e. the replace is done
> by index not matching value
> With let L...(0 0 0) stays at (0 0 0)
> I'd wanted the former in conjunction with let.
> Thank you for the suggestion re need...and the explanation re let.
> I can do this with setq but was just wondering if there was a way around
> "setting" let'd values more than once...like you can with let'd
> atoms...using inc and dec.
> I don't think you can but didn't think you could with atoms until inc and
> dec came back as an answer on this forum...hence this question :).
> Thank you for your advice and best regards
> Dean
> On 11 February 2017 at 02:07, Joe Bogner <joebog...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> dean, is this what you are describing?
>> (let L (list 1 2 3)
>>         (setq L (append L (4)))
>>         (printsp L) )
>> (1 2 3 4)
>> The key to this is understanding how let works. It restores the prior
>> value after execution. See http://software-lab.de/doc/refL.html#let
>> Defines local variables. The value of the symbol sym - or the values of
>> the symbols sym in the list of the second form - ***are saved** and the
>> symbols are bound to the evaluated any arguments. The 64-bit version also
>> accepts lst arguments in the second form; they may consist only of symbols
>> and sublists, and match the any argument (destructuring bind). prg is
>> executed, then the symbols ***are restored to their original values***.
>> On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 3:22 PM, dean <deangwillia...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I've seen that I can alter local/let'd atoms? via inc/dec i.e. (inc
>>> 'Some_atom)
>>> which gets me a long way...
>>> ...but what about list elements?
>>> (setq L (0 0 0))
>>> (de doit ()
>>>    #(let L (0 0 0)
>>>       (setq L (insert '1 (remove '1 L) 2))
>>>       (prinl "L is " L)
>>>    #)
>>> )
>>> When I "setq" L this works but can I do it (somehow) when L is created
>>> with "let"?

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