Naming Conventions:


Am 2018-05-28 16:54, schrieb Arie van Wingerden:
​Hi Olaf,

I do like your [1] wiki
page very much!

​Thx. You're welcome :)

For me, it does show the subtleties of the topic in a very clear and
comprehensible way (even reproducible).

​Nice. Reproducability is a thing I really want. Examples that don't
work straight away are often useless.​

Just to distinguish 'x' from 'x' (see *1 below), would you mind, if
I would replace all 'x' function names by 'foo' on your fine

​Of course. I even missed the duplication of 'x'. I'll go for foo,
baar, baz etc.​

And just to follow the picolisp convention, to uppercase the
function Parameter Variables?

​Didn't know the convention, but will change that :)​

Second, a comment concerning the conclusion:
'very uninteresting function' ... it looks like, that these words
are spoken by 'the master' :-) himself,
but may be in some context, which is not seen within this quotation.
(Otherwise I would miss a lot of ratings for other functions in the
docs :-)  ).

​Alex quoted that in a response. He later weakened the word
"uninteresting"​ a bit.
I kept it, because it was funny somehow.
But, point taken. I just removed it!

Sth. like 'de is equivalent to'  followed by the setq examples would
sound less judgmental and the decision what to use is left to the


By the way, I did not try, because always used 'de' instead of
'setq' for function definitions,
but may be 'setq' in combination with the different function
parameter possibilities (see *2 below) becomes less

​I've now added a "final notice" on the difference between 'normal'
functions and 'fexprs'.​

I really enjoy reading your article, as it summarizes in a clear,
comprehensible way all the little facts and differences, which make
picolisp so unique.
Thank you very much!

​Thx. again. I intend to continue.
Currently I am busy consolidating stuff from other websites in the
Wiki (e.g. PLEAC).
After that I hope to continue the other (new) stuff.​

As I did change things now, please check the page for errors left

Thx. for the 'to the point' critique. I highly value that. It really
is a way to learn!




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