Thx. Andreas!

Op ma 28 mei 2018 22:29 schreef <>:

> Naming Conventions:
> /beneroth
> Am 2018-05-28 16:54, schrieb Arie van Wingerden:
> > ​Hi Olaf,
> >
> >> I do like your [1] wiki
> >> page very much!
> >
> > ​Thx. You're welcome :)
> >
> >> For me, it does show the subtleties of the topic in a very clear and
> >> comprehensible way (even reproducible).
> >
> > ​Nice. Reproducability is a thing I really want. Examples that don't
> > work straight away are often useless.​
> >
> >> Just to distinguish 'x' from 'x' (see *1 below), would you mind, if
> >> I would replace all 'x' function names by 'foo' on your fine
> >> article?
> >
> > ​Of course. I even missed the duplication of 'x'. I'll go for foo,
> > baar, baz etc.​
> >
> >> And just to follow the picolisp convention, to uppercase the
> >> function Parameter Variables?
> >
> > ​Didn't know the convention, but will change that :)​
> >
> >> Second, a comment concerning the conclusion:
> >> 'very uninteresting function' ... it looks like, that these words
> >> are spoken by 'the master' :-) himself,
> >> but may be in some context, which is not seen within this quotation.
> >> (Otherwise I would miss a lot of ratings for other functions in the
> >> docs :-)  ).
> >
> > ​Alex quoted that in a response. He later weakened the word
> > "uninteresting"​ a bit.
> > I kept it, because it was funny somehow.
> > But, point taken. I just removed it!
> >
> >> Sth. like 'de is equivalent to'  followed by the setq examples would
> >> sound less judgmental and the decision what to use is left to the
> >> reader/user.
> >
> > ​OK.
> >
> >> By the way, I did not try, because always used 'de' instead of
> >> 'setq' for function definitions,
> >> but may be 'setq' in combination with the different function
> >> parameter possibilities (see *2 below) becomes less
> >> readable/distinguishable?
> >
> > ​I've now added a "final notice" on the difference between 'normal'
> > functions and 'fexprs'.​
> >
> >> I really enjoy reading your article, as it summarizes in a clear,
> >> comprehensible way all the little facts and differences, which make
> >> picolisp so unique.
> >> Thank you very much!
> >
> > ​Thx. again. I intend to continue.
> > Currently I am busy consolidating stuff from other websites in the
> > Wiki (e.g. PLEAC).
> > After that I hope to continue the other (new) stuff.​
> >
> > As I did change things now, please check the page for errors left
> > over!
> >
> > Thx. for the 'to the point' critique. I highly value that. It really
> > is a way to learn!
> >
> > /Arie
> >
> > Links:
> > ------
> > [1]
> --

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