Hi Arie,

> just started on the "Soundex Matching" example here:
> http://pleac.sourceforge.net/pleac_picolisp/strings.html
> It looks like a nice program, however, it doen't state what kind of input
> it expects :)

Typically personal names, but can be any string:

   : (soundex "Hello World")
   -> "H464"

   : (soundex "Miller")
   -> "M460"

> I know about soundex, but my current knowledge of PicoLisp is not yet
> advanced enough.

Note that PicoLisp comes with its own soundex function, used in database
applications. It uses a different algorithm however:

   : (ext:Snx "Hello World")
   -> "HLFRLT"

   : (ext:Snx "Miller")
   -> "MLR"

♪♫ Alex

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