Hi Alex,


It was a bit of a hassle to find a nice example, but I came up with this:

   # The following example calls the native Linux function 'getenv'
   # in order to fetch the hostname from it (env variable = NAME).
   # Then it reads user input (a guess for the hostname).
   # Then it shows if it is a Soundex match or not!

   : (let (InHostname (clip (in NIL (line T))) InHostnameSoundex (soundex
      (println "InHostname:" InHostname " InHostnameSoundex:"
      (when (native "@" "getenv" 'S "NAME")
         (let (EnvHostname @ EnvHostnameSoundex (soundex EnvHostname))
            (if (= InHostnameSoundex EnvHostnameSoundex)
               (println "MATCH!!!: EnvHostname:" EnvHostname
"EnvHostnameSoundex:" EnvHostnameSoundex)
               (println "NO MATCH: EnvHostname:" EnvHostname
"EnvHostnameSoundex:" EnvHostnameSoundex)))))
   "InHostname:" "hp-erie" " InHostnameSoundex:" "H160"
   "MATCH!!!: EnvHostname:" "HP-Arie" "EnvHostnameSoundex:" "H160"
   -> "H160"

Hope that is a sufficient example.


2018-06-02 19:26 GMT+02:00 Alexander Burger <a...@software-lab.de>:

> Hi Arie,
> > since I notice that getpwent seems to disbehave under Windows WSL I'll
> > leave the following out if you agree:
> >
> > (let (User (clip (in NIL (line T)))  Code (soundex User))
> >    (while (native "@" "getpwent" '(S S I I S S S))  # 'native' only in
> I see. 'getpwent' is Unix-specific. On the other hand it is a pity to
> leave out
> an example just because it does not run on Windows. Perhaps you can invent
> another example for 'native'?
> ♪♫ Alex
> --
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