The use of (++ Value) instead of (pop 'Value) may be an improvement, but it breaks backward compatibility with older clients since the time you implemented (++ Value), so I can't accept that in my libraries just yet.. at least not until I'm certain I don't have any applications with older PicoLisp clients deployed in the wild.



On Thu, 28 Mar 2019, Alexander Burger wrote:

Hi Kashyap,

I made a tiny change to support floating point (to be used with scaling
that is). I wanted to get it reviewed to confirm if I am not missing

I added a condition to  json-parse-unicode in json.l

If you mean this line

            [*(and (= "." (car Value))) (pop 'Value)  (link R '. (pop
'Value)) ]*

I think it is fine, though I have not studied the whole JSon library.

A minor improvement could be to replace all calls like (pop 'Value) with
(++ Value) which is a tiny little bit smaller and faster, but that's only

But what REALLY nags me is that this code is still around:

 (local MODULE_INFO *Msg err-throw)
 (local json-parse-file json-parse-string json-parse-unicode 

This is WRONG!! It is a pity that this is still public and being propagated as
an example! Please don't use it!

The correct syntax is:

 (local) (MODULE_INFO *Msg err-throw)
 (local) (json-parse-file json-parse-string json-parse-unicode 

'local' takes NO arguments. It must read the symbols from the input stream.
Otherwise the symbols ARE already read when 'local' runs and will possibly
be found in the wrong namespace.

☺/ A!ex


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