Hi Bruno,

> So, why is there no setf in picolisp?

The answer is simple: It does not make sense.

PicoLisp is a pure interpreter, and what 'setf' does is setting the value of
what the expression *would* return. I'm not fit in CommonLisp, but

   (setf (car X) 7)

means to set the CAR of the cell pointed at by X to 7.

So a compiler analyzes the argument (car X), and compiles

   (set X 7)  # in PicoLisp


   (setf (get 'X 'a) 7)

compiles to

   (put 'X 'a 7)

There is a 'setf' function in PicoLisp (meant as a joke) in


☺/ A!ex

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