Hi Kashyap,

> I've made some progress with todo app -

Congratulation! :)

> 1. I'd like to change this so that the main page only has the list of tasks
> and when I click on a task it takes me to the task from where I can
> enter/edit data.

This is typically a search dialog, which is presented before the actual input
form is displayed. The minDbGui example omitted a dedicated search dialog and
instead put it all into the form. Examples for search dialogs are e.g. in
app/gui.l (choSal, choCuSu, choItem, choOrd).

> Simply changing line 66 to (gui 1 '(+ObjView +Textfield)
> '(: nm)) and adding a url> method did not seem to do the trick.

Yes, this should be possible, if you let url> point to such a form (i.e. a form
for a single +Task object).

> 2. I'd like to add the capability to write updates to a task. So
> essentially, I think I need to have a (+List +Joint) but cant seem to get
> it to work.

Hmm, what kind of updates do you mean? As far as I see, changes seem to be
written to disk properly.

☺/ A!ex

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