On Thu, Feb 06, 2020 at 12:41:51PM -0500, John Duncan wrote:
> Yeah, it's explained in the reference manual:
> ... 
> In contrast to other Lisp implementations, the symbol LAMBDA itself does
> not exist in PicoLisp but is implied from context.
> ... 
> Hope this helps a bit. Alex would probably have a lot more to say.

Thanks John! No, you explained it very well :)

One minor note:

> Picolisp is dynamically scoped.

I would not use the term "scoped" here. Scope is about visibility, so PicoLisp
symbols are globally scoped (per namespace, or per file for transient symbols).

Instead, symbols in PicoLisp are *bound* dynamically (as opposed to statically
(or lexically) bound symbols in compiled Lisps). In a compiler, the distinction
between scope and binding is blurred, because the symbols are gone in the
compiled code anyway.

☺/ A!ex

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