On 06.05.20 17:29, Guido Stepken wrote:
> > Also the size of LLVM doesn't matter since it is only necessary when
> compiling the binary. You can likely download binaries Alex built just
> as you can do.
> "Compiling the binary" is funny .... pil21, sitting on top of LLVM JIT
> engine is post JIT'ing all the time during runtime. That thing is
> profiling and self optimizing code while running! See HotSpot JIT
> Engine concepts: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HotSpot
Read Wikipedia:

> LLVM allows code to be compiled statically, as it is under the
> traditional GCC system, or left for late-compiling from the IR to
> machine code via just-in-time compilation
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just-in-time_compilation> (JIT)
pil21 is of course statically compiled, one time, resulting in a binary
you can dissect and analyze.
There is no reason for pil21 to make use of JIT.

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