Hi all,

I'm Mia, one of Alex' daughters, nice to meet you!

I started to play around with PicoLisp a few months ago. So I checked
the available resources, and after a while I thought it might be good to
have a little bit more "beginner's level" content, with a low threshold
and fun to read. Because I feel that a lot of it is already quite
advanced (or of rather mixed difficulty), which can be quite frustrating.

So we started to put up a blog together. Today I have posted the first
article, and there will be one post per day for the next few weeks. If
you're interested, feel free to follow!

- This is the blog homepage: https://picolisp-blog.hashnode.dev/

- And here is the repository with some ideas for structure and content:

I'm always happy about feedback or further inputs - for example, I think
it would be really nice to feature some community projects, like Nehal's
mind maps. Always open for your ideas! Also, please let me know if
something requires further explanation or maybe is even wrong.

Wish you a nice rest of the week!

Best regards, Mia

PS. Also I have to apologize, obviously most of the content is not
originally from me but from the community. Sometimes I even copied
complete sentences if I liked them. Hope that was ok!

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