Hi Alex,

We stick with '^' only, but make it behave more intelligent:
>    1. If the result of the evaluation is a list, we get the same result as
> now.
>    2. But if the result is an atom, it is automatically 'cons'ed into a
> cell.
> This would not break any existing programs, as atomic results were useless.
> [...]
> What do you think?

Works for me! I also often want to use a returned list without splicing,
which is
another use I had in mind with the proposed '_', e.g.

: (macro (2 4 _(mapcar '((X) (+ X 2)) (4 6))))
-> (2 4 (6 8))

but the better way to do that is probably

: (macro (2 4 (^(mapcar '((X) (+ X 2)) (4 6)))))
-> (2 4 (6 8))


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