> On May 22, 2022, at 21:44, Mike <tankf33...@disroot.org> wrote:
> May 22, 2022, 3:00 PM, "Jean-Christophe Helary" 
> <lists@traduction-libre.orgmailto:li...@traduction-libre.org?to=%22Jean-Christophe%20Helary%22%20%3Clists%40traduction-libre.org%3E
>  > wrote:
>> I'm following the instructions here:
>> https://picolisp.com/wiki/?alternativeMacOSRepository
>> And I end-up with this error:
>> ➜ pil21 git:(master) (cd src; make)
>> /opt/local/libexec/llvm-10/bin/llvm-link: lib.bc: error: Unknown attribute 
>> kind (68) (Producer: 'APPLE_1_1300.0.29.30_0' Reader: 'LLVM 10.0.1')
>> /opt/local/libexec/llvm-10/bin/llvm-link: error: loading file 'lib.bc'
>> make: *** [picolisp.bc] Error 1
>> Any idea what is going on ?
> you will not build picolisp by builtin LLVM because of lack of 'opt' in the 
> next steps.
> you need LLVM from brew.

My understanding is that this aspect is taken into account here:

$ sudo port install llvm-10 readline libffi openssl
$ sudo port select --set llvm mp-llvm-10

Which installs dependencies in opt/

> you will fail anyway, macos port will not build out of box by default.

Yes but that instruction set *is* made for macos and used to work since I 
tested it in the past.

So there is something fishy here :-)

Jean-Christophe Helary @brandelune

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