> On May 28, 2022, at 19:24, Mike <tankf33...@disroot.org> wrote:
>> On May 28, 2022, at 13:13, Jean-Christophe Helary 
>> <li...@traduction-libre.org> wrote:
>>> On May 25, 2022, at 18:45, Mike <tankf33...@disroot.org> wrote:
>>> hi all,
>>>> They used to work (I have a working build of pil21 21.9.3), but they don't 
>>>> anymore.
>>>> Maybe there is something wrong with my system but I have no idea what it 
>>>> is.
>>> Did you built picolisp?
>> How would I go about building picolisp ?
> I do not know were you stuck.

At the time of 21.9.3 I was able to build the system according to the 
instructions here:


Now that generates the following error message:

/opt/local/libexec/llvm-10/bin/llvm-link: lib.bc: error: Unknown attribute kind 
(68) (Producer: 'APPLE_1_1300.0.29.30_0' Reader: 'LLVM 10.0.1')
/opt/local/libexec/llvm-10/bin/llvm-link: error:  loading file 'lib.bc'
make: *** [picolisp.bc] Error 1

That's where I am stuck.

Jean-Christophe Helary @brandelune

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