No joy: pty never connects, termux-share times out with a "PilBox is not 
responding" toast, and adb doesn't give access to system files. Your detailed 
instructions for replacing App.l, for all that it didn't work, were very 
helpful. I would have had to find the url, then unpacked everything to find the 
file. And copy and pasting is much easier than typing on a phone.
Ah well, unless you have any further suggestions, lesson learned. I'll only 
lose 12 days of data, and I'll fix permissions so it won't happen again.
For want of a permission, the data was lost, and all for the wane of a chmod 



If I replace all the old parts in my PC with new ones, will it turn into a 
Greek ship?

…if you're just gonna end up in Arizona, then being dead isn't that much of a 

"Darlene, Mr. Robot, eps2.1k3rnel-pan1c.ksd, season 2, episode 3.

"I do not pretend here to develop a theory which is _universally_ valid, but it 
may at least have some galactic relevance."

Paul Krugman, "The theory of interstellar trade," 1978, p. 2.

If war was arithmetic, mathematicians would rule the world.

Littlefinger, _Game of Thrones, Season 2, Episode 4

Not everybody benefits from a misspent youth.

Thomas Pynchon, _Bleeding Edge: A Novel_ (Penguin, New York, 2013) Chapter 28.

Sent from ProtonMail, encrypted email based in Switzerland.

On Monday, November 6th, 2023 at 11:45 PM, Alexander Burger 
<> wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 07, 2023 at 07:15:07AM +0000, Shaughan Lavine wrote:
> > ~ $ unzip -l storage/shared/Download/
> > Archive: storage/shared/Download/
> > Length Date Time Name
> > --------- ---------- ----- ----
> > 0 2023-11-06 16:27 test/
> > 56 2023-11-06 16:28 test/App.l
> > ...
> > ----------
> > "Test"
> > 
> > (menu "Test"
> > (<h1> "center fh" "Test!") )
> > ----------
> This looks all perfectly correct.
> > I can't use bin/pty, since pilbox isn't starting properly. I tried, but it 
> > just times out.
> Then perhaps somehow the file "App.l" in the PilBox home directory (i.e. the
> PilBox app itself) got overwritten?
> You could try to restore "App.l", by extracting it from the sources.
> You probably know, but for the records:
> $ curl -O
> $ tar xfz PilBox.tgz PilBox/assets/run/App.l
> $ cd PilBox/assets/run/
> $ zip -r App.l
> $ termux-share
> Let's hope ;)
> ☺/ A!ex
> --


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