Hi Alan.
thats not the problem as I have really. In order to change the permissions I need access to a 'FileSystem' object. but I don't see how to get one

the code in hadoop to do the same thing is in FsShellPermissions

public void run(FileStatus file, FileSystem srcFs) throws IOException {
     FsPermission perms = file.getPermission();
     int existing = perms.toShort();
     boolean exeOk = file.isDir() || (existing & 0111) != 0;
     int newperms = ( applyChmod(userType, userMode,
                                 (existing>>>6)&7, exeOk) << 6 |
                      applyChmod(groupType, groupMode,
                                 (existing>>>3)&7, exeOk) << 3 |
applyChmod(othersType, othersMode, existing&7, exeOk) );

     if (existing != newperms) {
       try {
                               new FsPermission((short)newperms));
       } catch (IOException e) {
         System.err.println(getName() + ": changing permissions of '" +
                            file.getPath() + "':" + e.getMessage());

which I presume is the only way to do it.

Alan Gates wrote:
Take a look at org.apache.pig.tools.grunt.GruntParser.java. All of the file system commands are implemented in there. That's probably also where you chmod et al should go.


On Nov 9, 2008, at 5:22 PM, Ian Holsman wrote:


I was about to add these commands into the grunt command shell, but I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to actually get to the FileSystem object so I could change fire off the command.

any hints on how to do this?

-- Ian

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