Hi Margaret,

Thank you for bringing this problem to our attention.  I forwarded
this email to the site's developer and he just mentioned that he
problem is fixed now.  I just tried accessing the Pinhole Day gallery,
both the thumbnails and full images, using IE 6 and Mozilla 1.2.1 and
had no problems.

The website is starting to undergo some modifications to accomodate
the Third Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day, which will happen on
April 27, 2003.  Bumps like this might happen again.

Tom Miller
WPPD 2003 Coordinator

----- Original Message -----
From: "Margaret Graham" <mm...@drexel.edu>
To: <pinhole-discussion@p at ???????>
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: [pinhole-discussion] New Camera from Joaquin Casado and
prompt box

> George,
> Given your concern for usability, I know you will want to know about
the problem
> I'm experiencing on your site at http://www.pinholeday.org/gallery/.
In attempting
> to view the April 28, 2002 images, I receive the following message:
> Fatal error: Cannot redeclare maketextimage() in
> /usr/www/users/pinhole/WPD/includes/setup.php on line 322 (Windows
2000, IE 5, NS
> 4.7 and Opera 6.01).
> Haven't yet tried NS6.  Clues?  The 2001 images are wonderful
although it's a lot
> to click through.
> Margaret Graham

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