on 7/1/02 11:56 pm, Beau Schwarz at ejschwar...@hotmail.com wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm one of the lurkers in the group. I've tried doing pinhole cameras with
> third graders a couple of times.  Once when the schools' art teacher wanted
> to learn about them. Another time I worked with a third grade language/math
> teacher (my wife) yho used it as math and language grades (they wrote up the
> process and made a few measurements). The kids only HW for the project was
> bringing in a shoe box. From there they made the cameras with black tape,
> pinholes in tinfoil, and shutters. In small groups they loaded the cameras
> and developed the paper negatives loved playing. We contacted the paper
> negs. at home in the garage. Even had a few images come out.
> The kids liked cutting holes, and taping boxes, giggled and ran around when
> the lites went out, etc. and thought it was a great alternative to other
> school classwork. Don't know if it would have been as successful as an after
> school project though.
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 how old are third graders?

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