on 7/1/02 5:04 pm, R Duarte at ra...@rahji.com wrote:

> hey, i'd like to get something going in boston for wwpd 2002.  i think i
> might possibly have enough pinhole/darkroom experience to conduct a one-day
> or two-day thing at one of the adult ed centers here, but generally i think
> i know just enough to be dangerous.  i've proposed classes and teach at the
> cambridge and brookline adult ed centers so i would know who to contact
> about getting something going for the spring term (if it's not too late -
> i'm not sure).  anyway, i like to be a real expert on a topic before i play
> an instructor role - like i said, i could probably do okay, but i think it
> would be better if someone else wanted to get involved too - either as
> co-facilitators or with me as their assistant or something.  i'd like to do
> something targeted toward kids but maybe the whole process of making prints
> in the darkroom is just too much (read: boring) for little kids.. maybe
> teens or something.  if anyone's interested or has any other ideas, let me
> know.  
> thanks..
> rob
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My experience is that it is not boring at all for any age group.  I have
given a number of workshops and courses and am at the moment in a residency
with 17 and 18 year old.  I have just finished preparing and curating an
exhibition at the Usher Gallery in Lincoln (museum).  I was in charge of 30
students for several weeks.
My experience is that at first it is difficult to gauge enthusiasm simply
because you are probably overbriming with excitment.  But that is just it,
this is contagious and soon you find that most are converts.
Remember to not get too technical and that attention span is short.
Everything seems to be going along just find and then, when the first
photographs magically appear, then even the most hard bitten cynic becomes
The secret is to not overplan but to keep it simple. And remember that you
are learning with them.  It is rewarding and well worth doing.

One of the outcomes of the residency is my building a giant walk-un pinhole
camera on wheels that can be moved about?

I shall soon be posting an exhibition of the students' work and the giant
pinhole in a website I am constructing.

Go for it Rob, it will also inform your own work.


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