RIght you are. I just set up a 2002 upload gallery, and moved Bill Erickson's photo into it as the first one of the year.

        (select Gallery 2002, then the image)


At 08:29 PM 1/1/02 -0800, you wrote:
Time to start a 2002 page.
Happy New Year.
Richard Heather

Bill Erickson wrote:

> http://www.???????/discussion/upload/bathtub_copy.jpg This
> is the result of a twelve day exposure of a bathroom in a nineteenth
> century state psychiatric hospital building. Newly admitted patients
> were stripped and scrubbed here before they were allowed onto the
> ward. I like to think that the glow of light over the tub represents
> the ghosts of all those unhappy people.

Pinhole Visions at http://www.???????
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at http://www.pinholeday.org

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