years ago the color chem were worse than they are now   there have been some
changes and they are probably no worse, or even a lot less bad than some b/w
stuff.     Trebla is probably the best and most forgiving brand, and a lot
less costly than Kodak stuff.    go for it.

>From: Lisa Reddig <>
>To: <pinhole-discussion@p at ???????>
>Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 1:07 PM
>Subject: Re: [pinhole-discussion] color processing
>> I had been asking around a month or so ago to people I know about doing
>> color processing at home.  And all of them warned me of the very dangerous
>> chemicals involved.  Any tips from those of you who have been doing it.  I
>> would love to do my color at home like I do my own black and white, so I
>> have the contol.  But the chemicals have been scaring me away.
>> lisa
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