
I don't process my own color film yet, once I get reasonalby good at color
gum this may change :)

Jobo has a kit, which they say is _the best_ deal


My understanding of color processing is that it is dependent upon accurate
temperature control, and consistent agitation.  Since color film is
processed above room temperature it is difficult to control the
temperature unless a water bath is used.  Color film is not supposed to be
as forgiving as b&w.

This Jobo kit and others like it are set up to provide a stable
temperature during processing and proper agitation.

You might be able to find a temperature controlled water bath from a
surplus scientfic supply shop like http://www.labequip.com/ and do this a
little cheaper, but you would need to agitate yourself.

Go to the library and get a book on color processing :)

Gord (Son of a librarian)

>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Jeff Dilcher
>   To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???????
>   Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2001 2:54 PM
>   Subject: [pinhole-discussion] at home color processing?
>   Just wondering if any pinholers here are processing their color negatives
>   at home.  Is such a thing viable?
>   I have been concentrating on b&w for quite some time, and don't know to
>   much about color chemistry...
>   Maybe someone has some recommended internet links...

Gordon J. Holtslander           Dept. of Biology
hol...@duke.usask.ca            112 Science Place
http://duke.usask.ca/~holtsg    University of Saskatchewan
Tel (306) 966-4433              Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Fax (306) 966-4461              Canada  S7N 5E2

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