Hi Jeff,

I had some early relative success processing C41 4x5 negs by hand (roll film 
turned out better).  The chemistry was provided by by an art college where I 
was taking continuing studies classes.  I believe it was Kodak chemistry.  
Tried a different chemistry in a subsequent class at the same school and ruined 
so many negs that I swore (after vehemently cussing) that I'll always bring 
color neg film to a lab for processing.  It was a good decision.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jeff Dilcher 
  To: pinhole-discussion@p at ??????? 
  Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2001 2:54 PM
  Subject: [pinhole-discussion] at home color processing?

  Just wondering if any pinholers here are processing their color negatives
  at home.  Is such a thing viable?

  I have been concentrating on b&w for quite some time, and don't know to
  much about color chemistry...

  Maybe someone has some recommended internet links...

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