
Yes paper is pretty forgiving.  Its not nearly as sensetive to light as
film.  I rate paper at 6 ASA when I use it in a camera.  My darkroom has a
couple of small light leaks around the door.  I haven't bothered fixing
these yet.  I will when I start processing real film.  The CGP orhto film
I use is even less sensetive than paper - an ASA of 1 to daylight.

I forgot one additional item for the minimal darkroom.  Something to
measure the chemicals.  The recommended thing is a good graduated cylinder
from the photo shop, but a large graduated measuring cup (intended for
kitchen use) would work.  As long as it is _only_ used for photo
chemicals, and _never_ in the kitchen.

A really cheap way of getting lab stuff is through surplus scientific
suppliers.   A good one in the states is

        American Science & Surplus

though they won't ship outside the states

Can't find one similar to this in Canada :(


On Fri, 13 Jul 2001, Nick Dvoracek wrote:

> I've been using a red "party" bulb from the grocery store for about
> 10 years.  You have to check around the base to make sure the red
> coloring covers completely.  I covered the gaps with opaque tape.
> I've also used orange christmas tree lights.  I haven't tried leaving
> a piece of paper out for 24 hours, but I haven't been all that
> careful about handling paper under it.
> >From: "Gordon J. Holtslander" <hol...@duke.usask.ca>
> >
> >The only one of these that _has_ to be bought from a photo store is
> >the safelight.
> >The rest can be got from a hardware store.
> Nick
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Nick Dvoracek                                   dvora...@uwosh.edu
> Director of Media Services            Voice: 920-424-7363
> University of Wisconsin Oshkosh        Fax:   920-424-7324
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Gordon J. Holtslander           Dept. of Biology
hol...@duke.usask.ca            112 Science Place
http://duke.usask.ca/~holtsg    University of Saskatchewan
Tel (306) 966-4433              Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Fax (306) 966-4461              Canada  S7N 5E2

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