Hey Jeff: Thanks for the comments. The photos were taken on the Washington
coast. Funny story: That day, on the path down to the beach, we met two
women who were leaving in disgust. They said that they'd just witnessed a
nude photo session on the beach. (Hey! I thought I was the only one with
that idea!) Anyway, they shook their heads as they described the
photographer ... "he said it was for FINE ART...but you should have seen the
equipment he used!" (I immediately swallowed my question, "What were they
using?" because it would have seemed weird under the circumstances.)
"Definitely pornography." they said. Later, we both wondered what the women
would have thought of all of my Altoid containers? It's yucky out today. A
perfect day for Pintoid renovation work.
By the way, I couldn't get your images to load from the hiddenworld.net
address you posted. Any ideas? I did visit your pinhole photos area at the
site. Very nice. I especially like the dried reservoir (?) with the Jesus
sign in the background. -MM

Marcy Merrill

Jeff Dilcher wrote:

> Great pictures, Marcy!  Are these taken in California?
> I didn't know you were on this list.  Let me say that your junkstore
> camera page has been an inspiration for me, an aspiring crappy camera
> collector as well as pinholer.  Keep up the good work,
> Jeff Dilcher
> Atlanta, GA

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