Guy wrote: 
> One of the things I really like about this group -as opposed to other groups
> I've been involved with- is the underlying "crazyness" of many of its members
> when it comes to experimenting with pinhole photography and breaking the
> rules... Each week seems to bring a new crazy idea and this is very 
> stimulating,
> indeed!   -:))

I agree!  There's a wonderful lack of pretension here!  This is hard to
find in such a knowledgeable and creative group.

> Perhaps we could start a thread on the most crazy thing which pinhole
> photography got us to do...

To make my pinhole movie I had to hunch over my cardboard camera in a park
for hours every morning and dusk for a week.  Freezing the fingers that
advance the film wasn't as bad as all the stares I got from dog walkers
and residents.  Even drew the suspicion of the Park Service marshall.


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