"G.Penate" wrote:

> I was in my "honey moon" with pinholing, back then!!  Don't tell me you
> didn't do one or two crazy thing when you were in love with something or
> someone.  :-)

I won't tell you the crazy things I did with my spouse...  -:))
But, actually, it's my love affair with photography which helped me through a
devastating period in my life 9 years ago when I was forced to take early
retirement from my job as an economist because of major health problems.  This
love affair is still just as strong and became even stronger when I discovered
pinhole.  It got me to do some really crazy things as well - including many long
lonely nights out with my camera in pretty bad weather conditions doing night
photography (lens, at the time)...

And the joy experienced when you see the results coming out in the darkroom goes
far beyond the discomfort experienced during the shooting.   In fact, that
feeling is there every time you click the shutter, when you "know" that you've
captured a great picture!  Alas, it seems that these days the mind is still
strong (and crazy...) but the body just won't follow as far as before...  Darn

One of the things I really like about this group -as opposed to other groups
I've been involved with- is the underlying "crazyness" of many of its members
when it comes to experimenting with pinhole photography and breaking the
rules... Each week seems to bring a new crazy idea and this is very stimulating,
indeed!   -:))

Perhaps we could start a thread on the most crazy thing which pinhole
photography got us to do...


Guy Glorieux
Montréal, Canada

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