Joe Di Pol wrote:
> OK, I'll jump in here with an example.
> When my product's package is installed I want to put an entry in
> the user's Start/Launch menu. Constraints:
> o My product is an unbundled application
> o The package is being installed into a user image by a non-root user.
>    So I can't just plop files in a well known location.
> o I need to support multiple platforms, and some desktops
>    may require different mechanisms for populating the "Start" menu
>    other than just dropping files into well known locations.
> o I need to support multiple platforms so I can't rely on SMF.
> o I can't defer this to application start-up since the start menu
>    items should be there to start the application in the first place.
> Is it reasonable to create an action for this?


Actions should be confined to those things needed to either
install files (such as adding a usr to the local db) or boot
successfully.  The packaging system should not embed knowledge
about populating start menus.

What we still need to write is the generic "do this on live
image after successful install when prerequisites are met" action,
which is what you need.  It maps pretty well to SMF on Solaris.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders                  Solaris Kernel Performance
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