Danek Duvall wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 11, 2007 at 06:22:37PM +0530, Gerard Jesudoss wrote:
>> Once thing we noticed is that the new custom action should also be known 
>> to the server at the time of publishing the packages(ie, pkgsend).
>> Since this custom action is required to be run during install time, we 
>> are trying to see if this server dependency can be avoided during 
>> package publishing time?
>> Can anyone let us know if this is the expected behavior or its a 
>> bug(server requiring to know about custom action at package publishing time)
> It's not a bug at the moment, but it'd be rerally nice to get rid fo the
> dependency.  Could you file an RFE to track this?

Isn't this really more than a "nice to"? Isn't it really a pretty bad bug?

One common response to "no scripting" is "we can added new actions when we
need to". In the future when the world is running thousands of IPS repositories
then this bug makes it pretty impractical to add a new action.


> Thanks,
> Danek
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