> Thank you so much Richard! This was super helpful!
> One last question, do you know if the averaging can be done using the
> command line without sparse ROI's? Maybe by using --scatter-rois 0? or is
> it the default regardless to the input of scatter-rois?

I am sorry, but I don't know. The feature is in a dark area of a codebase :)

> And just to make sure I understand the scatter option: by using the same
> value here and in the neighborhood size  the value of a centroid in the
> original map is simply the accuracy of it's neighborhood since a centroid
> of a calculated neighborhood can never(?) be a part of a different
> neighborhood?

That is a good question. I don't know, it is possible that the centroids
are different between CV folds, so what was centroid in fold 1, will not be
centroid in fold 2. But if it really works that way... :)

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