
On 26/03/18 17:31, Daniel Swarbrick wrote:

> Current Debian packages for prometheus-alertmanager are extremely out of
> date. The web UI and (undocumented / unstable) API has changed
> considerably in the ten versions that have been released since 0.6.2,
> along with many bugfixes.

I know, this is a pretty sad state. The problem is that upgrading the
alertmanager requires packaging and uploading many new packages, as they
started using the Elm system for the UI, and no part of it is in Debian.

The alternative to this is to develop a patch that will provide an
barebones UI without the dynamic JS generated with Elm.

I am maintaining most of the prometheus ecosystem by myself, so I have
not been able to do any of this. If you have the resources to help, you
would be most welcomed!

Martín Ferrari (Tincho)

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