On Thu, 28 Aug 2008, Andreas Putzo wrote:

> On Aug 28  22:06, James Andrewartha wrote:
> > How about a openjdk-6-jre | sun-java6-jre dependency then?
> My understanding is that this is not allowed by policy 2.2.1
> | In addition, the packages in main  must not require a package outside of 
> main
> | for compilation or execution (thus, the package must not declare
> | a "Depends", "Recommends", or "Build-Depends" relationship on a non-main 
> package)
> This is a bit vague though since a dependency on openjdk-6-jre |
> sun-java6-jre does not *require* a package outside of main to run josm.
> But there are already some packages in the archive that do exactly that.
> I will ask for clarificaton/some more opinions and presumably adjust the
> dependencies.

Oh, of course - I forgot about that part of policy. For the moment I'll 
equivs it up then.


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# UCC Wheel Member     http://trs80.ucc.asn.au/ #|  what squirrels do best     |
[ "There's nobody getting rich writing          ]|  -- Collect and hide your   |
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