On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 21:03:28 +0100, Antonio Valentino wrote:

> In the next days I plan to create projects in the debian git repo for
> the following SW packages (each has an open ITP)
> polsarpro: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=606876
> mapready: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=606881
> snaphu: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=606882
> gsdview: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=606884
> The idea is to put them all under the 
> git.debian.org/git/pkg-grass
> and set the Maintainer field of the control file to 
> Debian GIS Project <pkg-grass-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>
> Please let me know if there is some problem in doing this or if there
> is some different idea.

That's fine.

> Please also note that, for the polsarpro package (only), I will put
> under VCS only the debian directory since polsarpro orig archive is
> quite large (227M) and includes about 166M of PDF files, binaries (172M
> unpacked) and also the ActiveTcl8. SW
> distribution (21M).
> Unfortunately a pure source code archive is not available.

You should strip all the binaries and PDFs from the tarball. This is a common
issue in Debian (think of java packages where most of upstreams embed *.jar

To do this, please create a "get-orig-source" target in debian/rules, which
should do all the needed steps to obtain a source-only (and *free*!) tarball.
Also, your package should have a "special" version. Let's say it is version
1.0-1, it should become 1.0+ds-1 (+ds means "debian source" -- and 1.0+ds-2,
1.0+ds-3, and so on). You should take care of mangling the source version in
debian/watch as well (read about dversionmangle).

Once you've stripped all of those things, I believe the tarball will have a
reasonable size to be committed ;)

Also, since you're going to use git, please read about pristine-tar to store
orig tarballs inside the repository itself.

I'm available if you need help about the repackaging :)


 . ''`.   Debian developer | http://wiki.debian.org/DavidPaleino
 : :'  : Linuxer #334216 --|-- http://www.hanskalabs.net/
 `. `'`  GPG: 1392B174 ----|---- http://deb.li/dapal
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