On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 05:34:25AM +0800, jida...@jidanni.org wrote:
> Package: thuban
> Version: 1.2.2-2+b1
> Severity: wishlist
> $ thuban
> importing gdalwarp
> importing osgeo.gdal
> No module named export_shapefile
> No module named importMP
> No module named gMapTiles
> Problems with UMN MapServer MapScript (not installed?)
> Problems with OWSLib (not installed?)
> No thubanstart module available
>    No GDAL support because module 'osgeo.gdal' cannot be imported. Python 
> exception: 'No module named osgeo.gdal'
> Odd, even though I have all the Depends installed.

You need to install Recommends for that. Gdal support is not *required* to
have thuban working. This is a non-bug.

> man page could mention /usr/share/doc/thuban/ has the manual.

Consulting that path is mandatory by policy. Suggesting that is perfectly
superfluous, and none would fix something like that.

> Any file argument on the command line causes "SAXParseException:
> /home/jidanni/tmp/shape/a.shp:1:0: not well-formed (invalid token)"

File argument needs to be a session file, not a casual file. That said
a better diagnostic message would be nice.

> Can't deal with non UTF-8 .dbf files.

Encoding is not part of the documented śhapefile format, just an 
extension supported here and there by some programs and versions around.

PS: Would you please avoid to send different bugs within the same
report? That's confusing and annoying.

Francesco P. Lovergine

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