
I noticed some inconsistencies in the copyright files of the Apache Commons packages:

- Some packages still have the old Apache Software License 1.1, but they have been released with the AL 2.0. It affects the following packages: dbcp, codec, discovery, fileupload, jxpath, lang, validator. Commons EL also has the 1.1 license, but it was never released with the 2.0 license, so it can remain as is.

- The mention "All rights reserved" can be found in libcommons-cli, but it was never released with this mention upstream. IANAL but I can't see how an open source project can be released with this mention, if the license grants some fundamental rights you can't tell all the rights are reserved. The same mention appears in other java packages, but I'm not familiar with them.

- lintian seems to complain when the full license text is appended to debian/copyright. Some packages simply refer to the file in /usr/share/common-licenses/. Should this be generalized, or is this a topic still open for discussion?

Emmanuel Bourg

pkg-java-maintainers mailing list

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