Omega Weapon <> writes:

> Package: freeplane
> Version: 1.2.23-1
> The situation has now degraded again... I opened a mindmap today, and now
> with the software rendering, ends of words are disappearing! See the
> attached splash and new mindmap screenshots!
> Any idea where I should report this? Its clear changes are being made in
> the Java setup without testing.

I don't think this is specific to Freeplane, it looks more like a
general openjdk issue.

If it persists with the suggestions (see below!), you can ask at the
xrender mailing list (since it failed with -Dsun.java2d.xrender=True),
see here:

> Going back to hardware rendering now - I can work around the horizontal
> scroll corruption with 'Center highlighted node' somewhat.
> --- System information. ---
> Architecture: amd64
> Kernel:       Linux 3.9-1-amd64
> Debian Release: jessie/sid
>   990 testing
>   990 testing
>   500 unstable
>   500 stable
>   500 quodlibet-unstable
>     1 experimental
> --- Package information. ---
> Depends                                       (Version) | Installed
> =======================================================-+-================
> default-jre                                             | 1:1.6-47
>  OR sun-java6-jre                                       |
> javahelp2                                               | 2.0.05.ds1-6
> groovy                                                  | 1.8.6-1
> libcommons-lang-java                                    | 2.6-3
> libcommons-io-java                                      | 2.4-2
> libjgoodies-forms-java                       (>= 1.6.0) | 1.6.0-4
> simplyhtml                                 (>= 0.16.07) | 0.16.07-1
> libbatik-java                                           | 1.7+dfsg-3
> librhino-java                                           | 1.7R3-5
> libfop-java                                             | 1:1.1.dfsg-2
> libxerces2-java                                         | 2.11.0-6
> libxml-commons-external-java                            | 1.4.01-2
> libjaxp1.3-java                                         | 1.3.05-2
> libjlatexmath-java                                      | 1.0.2-1
> libknopflerfish-osgi-framework-java                     | 2.3.3-2
> libjsyntaxpane-java                     (>= 0.9.6~r156) | 0.9.6~r156-2
> libjortho-freeplane-java                   (= 1.2.23-1) | 1.2.23-1
> Recommends         (Version) | Installed
> ============================-+-===========
> xdg-utils                    | 1.1.0~rc1+git20111210-7
> java-wrappers                | 0.1.26
> Package's Suggests field is empty.
> --- Output from package bug script ---
> [debug] /usr/bin/freeplane: Found JAVA_HOME =
> /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64'
> [debug] /usr/bin/freeplane: Found JAVA_CMD =
> /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64/bin/java'

This looks like you're still using OpenJDK6! You should definitely try

You can switch to openjdk-7 by using (on my i386 jessie system):

$ update-java-alternatives --list
java-1.6.0-openjdk-i386 1061 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk-i386
java-1.7.0-openjdk-i386 1071 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-i386
java-6-sun 63 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun
java-gcj-4.6 /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj-4.6
java-gcj-4.7 /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj-4.7
$ update-java-alternatives --set java-1.7.0-openjdk-i386

If that doesn't work, you could try a 32bit- or an Oracle-JDK.

Best Regards,
Felix Natter

This is the maintainer address of Debian's Java team
Please use for discussions and questions.

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