Le 28/03/2018 à 21:40, Felix Natter a écrit :

> I tried several variations of javadoc's -exclude parameter:
> -exclude "org.knopflerfish.framework.bundlestorage.dex"
> -exclude "org.knopflerfish.framework.bundlestorage.dex.DexArchive"
> -exclude "org.knopflerfish.framework.bundlestorage.dex.*"
> -exclude "org/knopflerfish/framework/bundlestorage/dex"
> -exclude dalvik.system
> [...]
> Do you have an idea what I'm doing wrong? To me it looks like -exclude
> is broken/ignored. If we can't fix the javadoc invocation, I suggest
> to patch out DexArchive.java.
> What do you think?

I gave it a try and I haven't been able to get the -exclude option to
work as documented either. I managed to build the javadoc with the
"--ignore-source-errors -Xdoclint:none" options, but this may break
again in the future.

I suggest simply removing the -java-doc package, it has a low popcon and
no reverse dependencies.

Emmanuel Bourg

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