Hi Emilien (and others),

On 12-02-09 at 10:24pm, Emilien Klein wrote:
> Short version: I would like to get the Lazy Load Plugin for jQuery [0] 
> packaged in Debian. What's the way to go?

Join our team and let us work on it together! :-)

Or work on your own, if you prefer - just make sure to follow Policy: 

> I see that you maintain the jquery* family of packages in Debian. How 
> can I help to package Lazy Load for Debian? Should I file an ITP and 
> list you and myself as maintainers? I guess I'm basically asking how 
> your packaging team works...

Our procedures are here: http://wiki.debian.org/Javascript

In other words: We have few common rules of working together.

Personally I use CDBS for all my packages.  If you are fine with that, 
I'd be happy to co-maintain that jquery plugin with you, and other 
packages as well.  Others in this team use short-form dh so if you 
prefer that you can probably convince them to work with you.

> Lazy Load is hosted on GitHub [2] and doesn't releases tarballs [3], 
> but the content of the git repo is available as a tarball [4] (with 
> version number) from GitHub.

Yeah, Github is weird.  Sometimes tarball releases appear there and 
sometimes not.  Apparently there have been some "releases": 

If those are lacking too much behind, then github also provides a URL 
for dynamically generating a tarball of the HEAD of the git.  I use that 
trick for e.g. json-js - but beware that then you cannot use watch files 
to track newer releases but need to watch progress "by hand".

> Both the source file as the "compiled" minified file are versioned, 
> and the Makefile that's included doesn't seem to be reusable. I would 
> think about just using debian/install to list both the full and 
> minified files in the resulting debian package.

That's wrong approach: You should use only _source_ from upstream to 
generate binary packages.  So ignore the minified file(s) and regenerate 
using uglifyjs (or, if you prefer, yui-compressor).

Most often the process is so simple that an upstream Makefile can be 
ignored and the steps written directly in debian/rules.

> Also, the git repo not only contains the source files, but also all 
> kinds of test html pages. Are those supposed to be present in the 
> Debian package or not?

Tests possible to run automated should preferrably be included in the 
build routines.  Typically that's not the case for JavaScript, however.

If you judge the html pages relevant for a user to read to help 
developing/using the JavaScript library, then include it (e.g. as 
example files below /usr/share/doc/$package/examples).

If relevant only for extreme purposes (e.g. speed or coverage tests), 
then just skip them.

NB! I've set reply-to to the list only.  Please consider subscribing to 
our list and do your JavaScript packaging under our umbrella :-)

Hope that helps,

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

 [x] quote me freely  [ ] ask before reusing  [ ] keep private

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