
in DMD[0] we have 53 packages with a broken watch file.

I wrote a script[1] able to fix most of them.

I will forward new debian watch files to sepwatch[2] ASAP (about
sepwatch[3]) in the meantime I updated the repository with wrong

Here the report.

= Won't auto-fixed =

Script was unable to fix these packages:

 * codemirror-js
 * jquery-geo
 * jquery-lazyload
 * jquery-timepicker
 * jqueryui
 * jsdebugger
 * json-js
 * libjs-img.srcset
 * libv8-3.14
 * mochikit
 * modernizr
 * passportjs-oauth
 * polymaps
 * simile-timeline

Can you please take a look at them?

= Packages in trouble =

I was also unable to update these repositories (find watch files as attachments)

 * jquery-mobile, insufficient permissions on the server:

drwxr-sr-x+ 7 metal scm_pkg-javascript 4096 mar 18  2013

(missing `chmod g+w`)

== No repository in alioth ==

This packages are not in alioth:

 * node-growl
 * node-security
 * node-security
 * node-tinycolor

Did you forget to upload ? (should I file a bug against?)

= Updated =

These packages have been successfully updated (debian/watch commited):

 * mathjax-docs
 * mirror.js
 * node-bones
 * node-chainsaw
 * node-cli
 * node-connect
 * node-contextify
 * node-expat
 * node-formidable
 * node-get
 * node-htmlparser
 * node-jquery
 * node-jsv
 * node-node-markdown
 * node-optimist
 * node-raptor
 * node-retry
 * node-stringprep
 * node-tilejson
 * node-xmpp
 * reqwest
 * underscore.logger
 * yui

Please, take care to leave an appropriate entry in dch.

= Already fixed or false positives =

These ones:

 * OR have already a suggested debian/watch in sepwatch
 * OR the debian/watch is already fixed in the repository
 * OR at time I checked them, they had a temporary issue with their
own watch file.

 * node-jsconfig
 * node-jsdom
 * node-postgres
 * pdf.js
 * rainbow.js
 * step.js
 * wax.js

= Exception in debian/watch =


If upstream does not provide tags or
"put_here_some_other_un-fixable_problem" with Node.js module, you can
use this fakeupstream.cgi script as workaround:


It uses registry.npmjs.org as upstream for <module_name>. Better than nothing.

See node-tinycolor_0.0.1~git20130725-1.watch attached for a example.

All the best,


[0] - 
[1] - 
[2] - https://alioth.debian.org/projects/sepwatch/
[3] - https://wiki.debian.org/qa.debian.org/HowToHelpWithFixingWatchFiles

Ubuntu Member - http://launchpad.net/~l3on
Home Page - http://leoiannacone.com
GPG Key Id - 0xD282FC25

Attachment: node-growl_1.7.0-1.watch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: node-security_1.0.0~git20130515-1.watch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: node-tinycolor_0.0.1~git20130725-1.watch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: showdown_0.0.1-1.watch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: jquery-mobile_1.2.0+dfsg-2.watch
Description: Binary data

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