On 02/12/2016 05:23 PM, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Quoting Thomas Goirand (2016-02-12 08:27:12)
>> I would like to package a web app which contains Javascript stuff, 
>> which are using npm + gulp (to disclose everything: I am packaging 
>> fuel-web).
> [details on dirty upstream build routines snipped]
>> I'd like to fix this in a better way so that Fuel can be fully 
>> uploaded to Debian main. How to make this all in a Debian policy 
>> compliant way?
> I suggest as first step to avoid cross-posting: I see no need for 
> involving all Debian developers in this - Javascript Maintainers 
> suffice. :-)

I really thought it was of general interest, though I'm ok following-up
only there (though see below...).

>> P.S: I'm not afraid of packaging all individual libjs-* and nodejs-* 
>> (build-) dependencies, even if there's a big number of them.
> Awesome!  Really really great!  Please re-post only to javascript list, 
> and let's continue the discussion (only) there.

It looks like my messages are going for moderation, for some reason.
Could you white list my address?


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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