Il 09/01/2018 13:33, Jérémy Lal ha scritto:
> 2018-01-09 12:53 GMT+01:00 Paolo Greppi < 
> <>>:
>     Hi, the package node-node-uuid seems broken, this fails:
>     nodejs -e "require('uuid');"
>     Also it triggers lintian error node-package-install-in-nodejs-rootdir 
> because it installs /usr/lib/nodejs/node-uuid.js.
>     Next 1.4.0 is quite old and v. 3.1.0. is required for node-yarnpkg.
>     Finally I have some doubts on the the naming, according to policy:
> <>
>     the source should be named uuid.js, and the binaries libjs-uuid and 
> node-uuid
>     I would like to move its repo to salsa.d.o. and proceed to update.
>     Any objections / anybody else wants to do it ?
>     What are your thoughts on the naming ?
> Be aware that
> npm show node-uuid
> npm show uuid
> both exists. Hence node-node-uuid...
> Jérémy

Tanks for the lookup Jérémy !

From here:
it says "node-uuid DEPRECATED: Use the uuid package instead."

It appears node-uuid was a fork, then it got merged back.
There are two github projects both confusingly called "node-uuid":
- current: is at 3.1.0
- deprecated: is at 3.0.0

The debian node-uuid source package upstream is the "deprecated" fork.
That's why the tracker says "a new upstream version is available: 3.0.0" and 
not 3.1.0

In the light of these facts I am even more convinced that it should be renamed.
Additionally its upstream should be set to


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