The encoding of ID3v2 tags is stored separately in every frame, so you cannot just switch one option to change them all. The encoding set in Settings, Configure Kid3, Tags tab, ID3v2 section, "Text encoding" is the encoding used for newly created frames. Normally, you do not have to change this from "ISO-8859-1" because Kid3 will automatically choose the correct encoding (UTF-16 for ID3v2.3 and UTF-8 for ID3v2.4) if a frame contains non-ASCII characters.

To view and change the encoding of a frame, select it and click the "Edit" button. You can set the encoding with the combo box at the top. Note that ID3v2.3 does not support UTF-8, so you should use UTF-16. For ID3v2.4, UTF-8 is a good choice. You can see in the "Edit" dialog that "id3v2" does not write the tags correctly, it always sets the encoding to "ISO-8859-1", so Kid3 displays "Bonne journée" correctly. If you enter "Bonne journée" in Kid3, it will automatically set the encoding to UTF16.

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