Dear Ana,
Ana Guerrero schrieb am 10.04.2011 14:11:
> On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 01:59:12PM +0200, Kai Wasserbäch wrote:
>> didn't we have an announcement already, where all the science team people
>> cropped up and said we can't drop it? Didn't they offer back then to take 
>> over
>> if the KDE/Qt maintainers dropped it? Can't rememeber this clearly and I'm 
>> just
>> in the middle of setting up a new notebook so I might not have all e-mails
>> around. Anyway, if so, then a normal orphan e-mail to the BTS with the usual
>> copy to -devel should be enough IMHO.
> There was something like this, but I prefer the approach where you put
> the package for sale than the one where you tell them to buy it...
> My bet (I hope I will lose it) is we'll have to orphan it.

might be more polite your way, still having discussed all this already and
fearing another round of "but, but we need it" I'd go with the "standard
procedure". ;) But it certainly isn't my call.

Kind regards,

P.S.: You don't have to CC me, I'm subscribed and didn't request CCing.
P.P.S.: About the bet: I'd be surprised if Qt3 won't be orphaned, at least for a
time (i.e. until the bugs for the remaining users become painful enough).


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