¡Hola Jonathan!

El 2016-12-12 a las 14:41 +0000, Jonathan Riddell escribió:
I'm wondering if there's still a need for CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debian which gets set on builds which use /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/lib/kf5_flags

It's used by /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/cmake/DebianABIManager.cmake

and kdelibs(4) debian/patches/add_debian_build_type.diff

The downside is it just adds some confusion, what does the build type mean in every other case? Calligra compiles different projects if you build with Debug or Release set and it's not clear what happens for packages with Debian set.

If the kdelibs(4) patch is still needed should it not be ported to KF5? Can the 
ABI Manager do with a flat set by the packages which use it?

As mentioned in the irc, the generated cmake files contain rules that are specific to the build type used. AFICS, this means that changing the default build type would require a rebuild of every package that ships an autogenerated cmake file (and uses pkg-kde-tools).

Happy hacking,
"Any change looks terrible at first." -- Principle of Design Inertia
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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