You might also want to pass this onto the pkg-lustre maintainers site.

Also their svn repository for what patches they use for things

It might be prudent to let them know what you plan on doing for debian
support so you can not step on each others toes.

- David Brown

On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 9:25 AM, Ramiro Alba Queipo <> wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-06-01 at 09:21 -0400, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I have a patch for our current development tree that adds the
>> required /debian directory in order to be able to package up a patchless
>> client from a source checkout/tarball release of Lustre.
>> Before it can get added to our source tree it needs inspecting from a
>> couple of people knowledgeable in doing .deb packaging however.
>> So I am hoping that a couple of the people responsible for the packaging
>> of the existing .debs for Ubuntu/Debian wouldn't mind inspecting my
>> patch.  Or anyone else who feels they are proficient enough in .deb
>> packaging to offer approval or constructive criticism of my patches is
>> welcome.  You will need an account in our bugzilla in order to transact
>> the inspection and approval and/or criticism.
> I would be glad to contribute though I am not a Debian developer, but I
> am very interested as I recently had to make Debian packages for
> lustre-1.8.0 as no packages from Debian are available yet.
> I started from existing Debian sources for lustre-1.6.7-2 and I adapted
> then as my knowledge allowed me, and then I made a local Ubuntu
> repository.
> We have a 128 client cluster using Infiniband that intends to use Lustre
> as the central storage with 2 OSSs and a DDN 9900 unit. Not in
> production yet, so I can make tests freely and play with it.
> It seems to work but I would be glad to share what I did I learn from
> others work
> Regards
>> Anyone interested?
>> Cheers,
>> b.
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> --
> Ramiro Alba
> Centre Tecnològic de Tranferència de Calor
> Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeries
> Industrial i Aeronàutica de Terrassa
> Colom 11, E-08222, Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain
> Tel: (+34) 93 739 86 46
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