On Wed, 2010-08-04 at 17:24 -0400, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> 2010/8/4 Hans-Christoph Steiner <h...@at.or.at>:
> > I'd like to get gmerlin-avdecoder included in Debian.  I see that its 
> > quite close, it seems to me that it just needs an improved 
> > debian/copyright.  Any reason why I shouldn't just make that change 
> > and submit it to the ITP?
> On Wed, Aug 04, 2010 at 10:45:20PM +0200, Fabrice Coutadeur wrote:
> >It's not only a matter of update the copyright file: you have to repack 
> >the upstream tarball, to get rid of some content. I'll look after the 
> >original mail to see what was left (I haven't been able to do that with 
> >git).
> I notice the package uses CDBS. Nice ;-)
> You then probably want to make use of the upstream-tarball.mk snippet 
> and simply declare which files or folders needs stripping, et voilá you 
> get a repackaged tarball with the get-orig-source target.
> Tell me if you need help doing it, or perhaps would like me to do it.
> Kind regards,
>   - Jonas "CDBS" Smedegaard

Sounds good to me, but I'm just jumping in on this.  I'm happy to follow
up on the upstream-tarball.mk stuff to finish it off, if that makes
sense to y'all.


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