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Hello Laurent!

On Aug 20, 2009, at 9:19 AM, Laurent Vallar wrote:

I'm trying to get chef working using your debian package but opscode
wiki documentation apply only when using rubygems installation : there
is no "Getting Started" stuff with debian packages only. For example
your packaged chef-client doesn't need runit as it starts itself in a
standalone mode. And read all the documentation without being able to
test it quickly is a bit frustrating.

Thank you for the feedback. I'm the primary maintainer for the documentation on the Chef wiki, and this is actually high on my priority list. Getting the actual packages out and available for general consumption is also, of course, a high priority :-).

Could you please provide two "Getting Started" tutorials for Debian
packages: one for chef-solo as a quick start to see how chef is working,
a second to properly initialize chef-server and clients following the
Debian way.

We do have a document for Chef Solo on the wiki[0], does that not suffice with the way the Debian package is set up?

While we're obviously packaging Chef for Debian, we're also focused on getting it into the Universe repository for Ubuntu Karmic release before their feature freeze next week. The latest packaging code is uploaded to the Ubuntu universe "REVU" site[1] and I will update the DRE SVN repo when it is advocated for Ubuntu.

[0] http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Chef+Solo
[1] http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/chef

Feel free to send me your draft for testing purpose if it helps, i'm
currently using puppet for configuration management (after many years
under cfengine) and i'm very interested by the chef! project.

I will post to the list links to wiki documentation once it is available. In the meantime, you might look at the packaging for Ubuntu on REVU, as the README and config files are updated with newer information.

Thank you for checking out the package, and your interest in Chef!

- --
Opscode, Inc
Joshua Timberman, Senior Solutions Engineer
C: 720.878.4322 E: jos...@opscode.com

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