On Fri, Oct 16, 2020 at 3:26 PM Ilya Bizyaev <bizy...@zoho.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm currently in my last year of bachelor studies, and I'm now looking for a 
> topic for my bachelor thesis. I've had a wild idea of doing a KDE-related 
> engineering project since it sounds fun, would give me a good occasion to 
> help advance open source software that I use and love, and appears to be an 
> acceptable way of doing the thesis from my university's side.
> Since it would have to be a big project, "scratching my own itch" with 
> bugfixes won't work. It would also require a sensible degree of novelty, so 
> doing something-that-GNOME-has-but-in-Qt is also not an option. Finally, for 
> a successful project I would need to prove its relevance, so that would have 
> to be something actually useful and releasable as part of our products.
> That's why I decided to write an email to this mailing list and ask if 
> someone with more insight into Plasma's development direction has some ideas 
> for such a project.
> As for me, you may have seen me around KDE for a while :) I study applied 
> mathematics and computer science at ITMO University in St Petersburg, so have 
> a background in mathematics, algorithms and data structures, and other 
> relevant subjects. I primarily code in C++ and have some insight into Qt/KDE 
> software, and I've worked on Chrome OS in the past. There are some topics 
> suggested by the university (mostly around machine learning), and there will 
> likely be some more from its partner companies, but I am curious if I can 
> also complete a well-defined and meaningful project for KDE.
> Best regards,
> Ilya Bizyaev <m...@ilyabiz.com>

Hi Ilya,
Have you thought about what you would like to do? Would you have some
ideas about something you would like to see developed?

I also did my master thesis on KDE software and I think it worked
well, I'd love to help you do it too.


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