(in case I ask at the wrong place, please redirect me)

Dear Plasma devs,

I'm trying to set Kickoff favorites in Plasma 5.27. The following Plasmascript 
worked fine with Plasma 5.20 previously,
and the used config group and parameters are still documented in the Plasma 
scripting documentation:

for (var i in panels()) {
    var panel = panels()[i];

    for (var j in panel.widgetIds) {
        var widget = panel.widgetById(panel.widgetIds[j]);

        if (widget.type == "org.kde.plasma.kickoff") {
            print (widget);
            widget.currentConfigGroup = ["General"];

            widget.writeConfig("favorites", [
            // Dirty hack:
            widget.writeConfig('favoritesPortedToKAstats', false);


However, it seems to be ineffective with Plasma 5.27.

To my knowledge, favorites are now stored in kactivitymanager's SQLite DB, and 
their order in ~/.config/kactivitymanagerd-statsrc .

Is there a way to pre-set favorites for new accounts via plasma scripting 
working with Plasma 5.27?

Thanks in advance (and please RTFM me in case I missed some documentation),

PS: Please keep me in CC, I'm not subscribed to the list. Thanks!

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